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Customize Your Start Page

An easy way to customize your Start Page with backgrounds, shortcuts, and widgets!

By adding the SquareTab extension to your browser, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. This extension changes your new tab and can have a default search provider of Bing.

Maps & Directions

Get access to maps quickly and easily with the SquarePage widget. Simply enter any zip code, city, county, state or specific location and get access to detailed maps instantly.

SquarePage allows you to customize your start page with maps & directions widgets. Get quick access to driving directions for any location.

Driving Directions

Get driving directions quickly and easily with SquarePage. Simply enter your destination and get directions to any location on a detailed map.

SquarePage allows you to customize your start page with maps & directions widgets. Get quick access to driving directions for any location.

Start customizing your Start Page.

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